Register my business

* New businesses need to register with the NT Government to permit invoice payment.

* Existing businesses do not need to complete this form to re-register with NT Government.

* New and existing businesses who want access to extra InvoiceNTG report and alert features, need to login using their Digital ID. Your Digital ID needs to be linked to the business’s ABN in Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM).

***When you select 'Continue with Digital ID', you will be given the option to use your existing myGovID

Enter business/entity details
Business name as it appears
on invoices

Contact details
* *
* *
Preferred remittance advice *

Bank details
Accept credit card payment

Person filling out form
* *

Invoice administrator

An Invoice Administrator is the nominated person who can answer invoice related queries.

Same as above
* *

Ordering Email Address The Order Email Address will receive the NTG purchase orders raised for goods or services. Please enter your ordering department email address.



Note: The NT Government requires information for the purpose of administering account setup and maintenance. The NT Government will only use such information collected for the purpose of making payments and all information collected will be handled in accordance with the Information Act.

I declare all the above information is true and correct

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Please allow up to three business days for your changes to be updated.